Release 0.4 : Migration Progress

So for the past week I've been working on and off with migrating the components for telescope I've taken from the list that needs porting. 

The Components I've undertaken are

  • BackToTopButton
  • GitHubContributorCard
  • DynamicImage
I was hoping to work on one of the Search components since I've spent so much time previously working on them, but it looks like some of my other peers have already beat me to it. Nevertheless, I still wanted to help with the migration as much as I can.

So I used this reference our professor had posted in the Meta issue regarding migrating from Gatsby to Next JS.

The first thing to do is to edit the dependencies in the package.json, since it's different than the one used for the Gatsby front-end. We will still need the Material UI modules for our front end, but all the gatsby dependencies will now be removed in place of something else.

For example, the Image component used from gatsby-image will now be replaced with next/image. Where as in build times, the images are optimised using the gatsby-image component, with the next/image component images are optimised on demand when they are requested.

Querying data is also different and I'm currently in the process of trying to migrate components such like StaticQuery and graphql from gatsby to its next counterparts.

As for the other 2 components, they were fairly simple, but usually that's a sign that there's a lot more to be done. What I've done so far is kept the most of the code the same but changed the way functions and objects are coded to its typescript version. So declaring variables is slightly different. Now, I'm waiting for them to be reviewed by the other maintainers of the repo for their input.

So far I feel like I'm making progress but I just know this is going to be harder than it seems.

Thanks for reading


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