2.9 Planning : Supabase, and Auth Stuff

This week, we're heading into the planning phase of 2.9, which I am sheriff-ing again with my fellow coursemate Roxanne (Yes, I completely forgot to talk about 2.8, I'm sorry!) and Telescope is increasingly becoming a different app as we reach 3.0 in a 4 weeks. Though I've landed a couple PRs and had a hand in shaping up the Supabase, I still feel like I haven't contributed enough. Well these last 2 releases are going to be vital and Dave's really emphasised on it. We need to start taking ownerships of our specific areas and specialties so that we can be more productive in these last 2 releases. So here are my plans for 2.9


Obviously should come to no surprise. I've been working with Duke and Dave for the past releases, and it's really been shaping up. This release we want to get the wheels rolling for Supabase and finally utilize it in Telescope production. So here's what's on the menu

Docker Secrets

First of all, we need to figure out a method to store our secrets (not limited to the supabase stuff) on production, since the secret used to sign the JWTs for supabase should be confidential and not be accessible by the public. Fortunately, Dave has already outlined the solution on how we can do this using Docker secrets, and it goes something like this

1. Create the new secret on production/staging boxes like

            printf "abcd" | docker secret create github_token -

2. You can view these secrets using docker secret ls or docker secret rm <name>
3. these secrets will be mounted to a read-only temporary fs in our containers at


4. set up the secret in a container using docker-compose like this.
5. Figure out how to turn the secret files to env variables

Dave has always helped getting the ball rolling as it can get really confusing for some of us on how we can approach these problems. So I'm hoping I can help execute this and get it pushed for the next release.


Now that auth is handled by Supabase, and Duc finished the sign on flow, we can finally implement our sign in feature. It's been sitting in our code, commented out this whole time, and production will finally be able to make their own accounts and sign in. This will make use of our feeds tables as well.

Supabase DB

With the new supabase db, we're also starting to migrate our feeds into the table created by Duke in our supabase db. As well as store user info. During our 2.9 discussion this past Tuesday, Jerry also had an idea to store Github user data for future use, which I thought was a great idea. Supabase is so versatile and we spent a lot of work implementing it into Telescope, so utilizing it even more to add new features and use its full potential sounds like a great way to go about it.


It's a little hard splitting half your time being a sheriff and contributing towards the next release. But I'm enjoying both right now and just hope I can dedicate my time to doing productive work in both roles. I'm still itching to push my big work I can show off, and it's what Dave is trying to push all of us to achieve. 

"My goal is that you'll all have some work that ships that you can be proud of as you move into your career"



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